Kelly Olynyk’s girlfriend is unknown, people! There are only two possible reasons for this. Either he doesn’t have one but still enjoys life or he has one but it’s too soon to go public on social media. We here at Player Wives know a lot of possible candidates for the young man to become interested in. Since so many ladies in America loves basketball and the players who play it, there are many options. Let’s do a rundown of our best options.
Kelly Olynyk’s Girlfriend Options
Option 1: Rachel Lindsay
For most people, the natural reaction here is,… who? But, Rachel Lindsay is a great option. A recent participant on The Bachelor, and the new Bachelorette, her dance card is open. Kelly is on the brink of a massive contract in the bloated salary cap era of 2017 NBA. But, Rachel doesn’t need that dough. Rachel does just fine for herself. Aside from the loot she gets from the Bachelor, she’s a lawyer. And while most people ultimately merge finances, being able to be independent makes this pairing all that more interesting.
Option 2: Mackenzie White
Mackenzie Wright is a model who hails from Toronto. What’s the big deal with Toronto? Well of course, it’s where Kelly Olynyk also hails from! Now, the long distance here would definitely be some long distance. Alas, this perfect match for Kelly Olyny’s girlfriend is now a residence of the land down under. All that said, all that it takes to bring someone back to the good ol North of America would becoming Kelly Olynyk’s girlfriend. If there’s one man worth it? It’s The Clinic.
Option 3: Jennifer Garner
OK, time to go home,,… you’re drunk. But, hear us out on this one. Kelly Olynyk’s girlfriend will quickly be known throughout Boston. Inside Track in the Herald will be all over the pairing. But you see, our friend, Jennifer Garner is exiting a famous marriage. Now, let me ask the class,… who was Jennifer Garner’s husband? Ben Affleck. So, maybe this pairing doesn’t work for Kelly’s benefit, but it sure would piss off one of the most famous Bostonians ever. And, that certainly works for Jen.
Vote on Kelly Olynyk’s Girlfriend
So, folks at home,…. who you got?