Lawrence Okoye’s wife Philippa Okoye is in the middle of a lawsuite against a Manhattan investment firm. According to the suit, there was a barrage of not-so-nice things were said to Philippa in regards to her being engaged to Lawrence. She was demoted and then fired by the company, and she’s claiming it was because she complained about the way she was treated. I never really understood the whole wall street bro persona where dudes think they can drop all social norms and stop being civil. After all, they’re just guys in suits placing wagers on companies and economies. They don’t add anything to the world; it’s not like they’re manufacturing solar panels. Maybe if they were manufacturing tanks the testosterized bro persona might make a little more sense or something, but they mine as well call themselves professional gamblers. Anyway, every job has its place, I suppose.
Philippa likes to go by “Pippa,” and she is originally from Britain. She is now living in California. Since Lawrence Okoye’s wife Philippa Okoye was working on Wall Street while he was on the ‘Niners, The suit alleges that there were a lot of people saying offensive stuff to her about how she shouldn’t change her last name after she gets married to Lawrence because it’d be bad for business if people thought she was black, and one guy even said to her face that he thought it was “disgusting when white women go out with black guys.” Maybe keep that thought to yourself.
I have no idea whether Pippa was good at her job, but the corporate culture definitely seemed to have gotten under her skin. According to her her boss wanted the place to be modeled after the movie ‘The Wolf of Wall Street.’ I don’t really see that happening in 2015. Even if it were to happen, you’re going to have all kinds of bad publicity come your way (not to mention lawsuits). If you’re serious about having a successful business, maybe grow up and don’t act like jerks.