Evgeny Kuznetsov’s wife Anastasia Kuznetsov is the mother of their daughter, Esenia. I think it’s a beautiful name. A 2016 article by ABC News said the mere mention of her name brings a smile to his face. He called her a little tiger and felt happy that she began to finally recognize him on Facetime. In case you are wondering, Facetime is how athletes communicate with their wives and families on road trips. The use of this technology is commonplace among professionals who travel a lot. I see girlfriends and wives mention it all the time on social media because it’s so common.
Anastasia hails from a city called Chelyabinsk in Russia. The city is home to over a million people and it is located near the Kazakhstan border. The city is also the place where a meteor struck in 2013. The blast that ensued was equivalent to 300,000 tons of dynamite. It’s probably the most significant meteor event ever caught on video, and I highly recommend you check it out. Evgeny Kuznetsov’s wife lived in the city when it happened. Evgeny himself played in Chelyabinsk up until 2014 when he moved to Washington. The name of his team was Traktor, which I love for a team name.
The couple is also good friends with the Ovechkin family. If you are Russian, it’s way easier to hang out with other Russians than to assimilate to American culture and language. Evgeny Kuznetsov’s wife still spends a lot of time in Russia since that’s her home. Occasionally they attend sports events like basketball games in Washington. They also make time for tennis events in the offseason. In 2014 they attended Cirque Du Soleil right after they moved to the States. They also traveled to Dubai earlier in 2014. I should probably mention that at one point Anastasia owned a small Yorkshire Terrier, but I don’t know if that dog lives in the USA or stays in Russia.